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Event Recap: EnlivenHealth® Lands in Baltimore for the 2024 PQA Annual Meeting

The 2024 PQA Annual Meeting — held May 14-16 in Baltimore, Maryland — was such a blast! The team from EnlivenHealth had a great time hearing from attendees and catching up with some of our old friends from Pennsylvania!

We enjoyed hearing thought leaders discuss the pharmacist’s role in health equity, social determinants of health (SDOH), quality performance, interoperability, and value-based care. Policy reform, consumer demand, and public opinion continue to drive convenient access to care services closer to home at the local pharmacy.

Here are a few photos from the event:

From left to right: EnlivenHealth’s Jason Ausili, Youn Chu, Pharmacy Quality Alliance CEO Micah Cost, and EnlivenHealth’s Matthew Feltman.
From left to right: Kelsey Hake and Stephanie McGrath from Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network, and Kelsey Linn from Highmark Wholecare.
Jason and Youn had to jump in for this one!

Many thanks to Jason Ausili for the event photos!

If you wanted to talk with us but didn’t get the chance, click here to schedule a quick 15-minute chat to discuss how EnlivenHealth can help you accomplish your pharmacy goals!


Amplicare is now part of EnlivenHealth®


FDSRX is now part of EnlivenHealth®