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Legal Notices

Omnicell® Virtual Patent Marking

The following Omnicell products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) and the patent marking laws of various jurisdictions. Additional patents may be pending in the U.S. and elsewhere.


XT Series on Unity Enterprise Platform U.S. Patents 6151536; 6272394; 6385505; 6435370; 6604019; 6975922; 7072855; 7571024; 7734369; 7835819; 8027749; 8073563; 8126590; 8131397; 8140186; 8155786; 8239062; 8280550; 8484049; 8773270; 9042607; 9158892; 9355220; 9365315; 9523534
Australian Patents 718057; 2004239714; 2010273562; 2011338579; 2012250824
Canadian Patents 2274088; 2523129; 2561239; 2684413
Chinese Patents ZL 200880103580.X; ZL 201080035886.3; ZL 201180066961.7; 201280033147.X
Japanese Patents 4598773; 5577244; 5837490; 6022551
Korean Patents 10-1501035
Singapore Patents 157805
XT Series with AcuDose-Rx  Software U.S. Patents 6151536; 6272394; 6385505; 6604019; 7072855; 7734369; 8773270; 9042607; 9365315; 9523534; 9471750
Australian Patents 718057; 2011338579; 2012250824
Canadian Patents 2274088; 2561239; 2684413
Chinese Patents ZL 201180066961.7
Japanese Patents 6022551
XT Anesthesia Workstation U.S. Patents 6011999; 6604019; 7072855; 7734369; 8773270; 9042607; 9355219; 9523534
Australian Patents 746286; 2011338579; 2012250824; 2012250821
Canadian Patents 2312751
Chinese Patents ZL 201180066961.7
European Patents 1036365; 1598748
French Patents 1036365; 1598748
German Patents 69832298.3; 69840952.3
Great Britain Patents 1036365; 1598748
Japanese Patents 3845703; 6022551; 6034371
Spanish Patents 1036365; 1598748
XT Controlled Substance Manager U.S. Patents 6151536; 6272394; 6385505; 6604019; 7072855; 7734369;8773270; 9042607; 9365315; 9523534
Australian Patents 2011338579; 2012250824
Chinese Patents ZL 201180066961.7
Japanese Patents 6022551
Central Pharmacy Manager U.S. Patents 7979310


Omnicell Trademarks

The following terms are trademarks or Registered trademarks of Omnicell, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.


AcuDose-Rx® NEXTCART Anesthesia-Rx™ OmniBuyer™
Connect-Rx® NEXTCENTRAL Anesthesia TT™ OnDemand™
i.v.SOFT® NEXTRX Anesthesia Workstation™ Open Touch™
MedCarousel® OMNICELL Anywhere RN™ OptiFlex™
OMNICELL® OMNIRX Automated Decision Support™ OptiFlex MobileTrack™
OMNICENTER® SAFETYMED Enterprise Medication Manager PACMED™
OMNIRX® SECUREVAULT Executive Advisor™ Pandora™
PakPlus-Rx® Fulfill-Rxsm Point-to-Point Medication Safety™
PROmanager-Rx® Horizon MedComm-Rx™ ProServ1™
ROBOT-Rx® i.v.STATION™ See & Touch™
SAFETYSTOCK® Medshelf-Rx™ vSuite™
SINGLEPOINTE® M5000™ WorkflowRx™
SureMed® Medication Surveillance™


Amplicare is now part of EnlivenHealth®


FDSRX is now part of EnlivenHealth®