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Match – Pharmacy Medicare Part D Plan Comparison

Help your patients find Medicare plans that are beneficial to them and your pharmacy.

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The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Help You Help Your Patients Find the Best Medicare Part D Plans

EnlivenHealth’s Match is the most recommended pharmacy Medicare Part D plan comparison software on the market, and Medicare.gov alternative for pharmacists. This proven tool makes it easy to identify high-value patients with win-win Medicare Part D plans that benefit them and your pharmacy. The market leader in Medicare plan comparison tools, Match targets high-value patients with the right plan that benefits them and drives profits to your pharmacy, while also quickly facilitating support for patients who ask you to help them with Medicare plan selection.

Up to $0

in patient savings generated in one pharmacy using Match


per patient profit increase in participating pharmacies


of soon-to-be eligible seniors say they need help choosing medicare plans

EnlivenHealth® Match

Match’s CMS-certified Medicare Patient Engagement Portal enables patients to compare Medicare plans for pharmacy and enroll in plans with your pharmacy from the comfort of their own home via the patient portal. Match is a powerful solution that helps to keep your patients healthy, improves medication adherence and quality ratings, and strengthens patient satisfaction and retention.

Match from EnlivenHealth® helps you to:

  • Enable your patients to compare Medicare plans in seconds
  • Mitigate DIR fees for your pharmacy by identifying plans with lower (or even zero) DIR fees
  • Compare plans using out-of-pocket costs specific to your pharmacy and your patients' medications

Patients are 30% more likely to stay with a pharmacy that performs a plan comparison for them.

Key benefits of Match from EnlivenHealth® include:

  • Increase Your Patients’ Medication Adherence – Match shows your patients their out-of-pocket costs for every plan and displays DIR fee estimates.
  • Offer Affordable Drug Alternatives – The Match Formulary Lookup tool suggests affordable drug alternatives that are covered by your patients’ plans.
  • Increase Revenue with New and Retained Patients – Match keeps newly eligible patients at your pharmacy by offering plan comparisons.

What Partners are Saying About Match from EnlivenHealth®

The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Help You Help Your Patients Find the Best Medicare Part D Plans

Match is a powerful solution that helps to keep your patients healthy, improves medication adherence and quality ratings, and strengthens patient satisfaction and retention.

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Amplicare is now part of EnlivenHealth®


FDSRX is now part of EnlivenHealth®