As reported by Drug Store News, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores is praising recent legislation in Iowa that empowers pharmacists to spend more time focusing on clinical care and extends their ability to offer routine vaccinations and point-of-care testing.
One of the new laws, SF 296, authorizes pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 vaccinations to adults according to statewide protocols. It also permits pharmacists to test for and treat influenza, strep and COVID-19, and to enter into collaborative practice agreements with other healthcare providers.
Another new Iowa law, HF 514, eliminates the one-year limitation of a technician trainee registration. This allows pharmacists to delegate any technical functions to pharmacy technicians and any nontechnical functions to pharmacy support personnel so long as the pharmacist “is available to provide professional oversight of the delegated functions.”
As high value clinical services become increasingly vital to both the practice and business of retail pharmacy, this new legislation further validates the pharmacists’ role as essential community healthcare providers.
Read the entire article from Drug Store News here.