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4 Ways Dietary Supplements Can Boost Patient Health & Pharmacy Sales

Did you know that as many as three out of four Americans take dietary supplements every day? For many people, dietary supplements are a way of life. We take them every morning after we wake up or every night before we go to bed. And it’s no surprise that interest in supplements has only been increasing over the last year.

Since March of 2020, preventative health care has been the name of the game. COVID-19 has made visiting a doctor’s office or hospital even less desirable than usual. Many people are trying to do everything they can to keep themselves healthy. For many of us, supplements provide the nutrients we need that is lacking in much of the food we enjoy.

So how can supplements help your patients? And how can you use supplements to boost sales? Let’s take a look:

Recommend Supplements to Patients with Nutrient Deficiencies

Supplements are an easy way to give nutrient-deficient patients the vitamins and minerals they need. Often, people have a hard time getting the nutrients their bodies need solely from the food they eat. According to a Healthline article, the most common nutrient deficiencies are iron, iodine, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin A, and magnesium. Keep them in stock — these are the ones your patients are going to be asking about.

Promote Dietary Supplements to Counteract Nutrient Depletion

Some medications can cause nutrient depletion in patients. Drugs like oral contraceptives, statins, and antibiotics are the most common culprits, but the list goes on and on. Dietary supplements can be used to combat nutrient depletion. Folic acid, calcium, vitamin B12, and zinc are just some of the supplements that are commonly recommended to accompany nutrient-depleting prescriptions. Of course, the nutrient depleted depends on the medication prescribed. If your patient is taking a medication you know to cause nutrient depletion, be ready to recommend a supplement to go with it.

Make Dietary Supplements Part of Your Retail Strategy

When was the last time a customer came into your pharmacy ONLY looking for dietary supplements? Generally, supplements are part of a larger purchase. Maybe someone is coming in to pick up their monthly med sync prescriptions. Maybe they’re dropping by to get something for a cough. Regardless, there is a supplement that can help them feel better, even if it’s just some vitamin C to help boost their immune system during cold and flu season. Position the supplements toward the front of the store, and make sure to have a few right by the register itself, especially during the aforementioned season.

Know Your Community & Stock What They Need

It’s time for some market research. What is the generational breakdown of your community? How old are your pharmacy patients, on average? What are the needs of your med sync patients? Researching your pharmacy’s demographic will help you determine which supplements to stock and how many of each you should carry in your store. Keep in mind, adults 55 and older tend to take the most dietary supplements of any age demographic.

Dietary supplements can be a great way to generate extra income for your pharmacy. However, there’s more to selling vitamins than simply selling vitamins. As a community pharmacy, your store is a bastion of community health and wellness. Supplements are just one of the many ingredients of a healthy lifestyle. And if you use them as part of your retail strategy, they can be quite healthy for your pharmacy’s bottom line, as well.


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