Medicare Plan Comparison Strategies to Increase Patient Retention and Grow Revenue LEARN MORE

Author: Ryan Haddock

May 17, 2023

Debunking Myths about Reconciling Third-Party Claims in Your Pharmacy

With up to 95 percent of prescription revenue coming from third-party payers, claims reconciliation is a vital part of operating a community pharmacy. So why are so many pharmacists not doing it?

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April 15, 2023

Planned PREP Act Amendment Enables Pharmacists to Continue COVID-10 Testing, COVID-19 & Flu Vaccinations

Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to amend the PREP Act with regard to how pharmacists can administer COVID-19 tests and vaccinations. And, for once, it’s good news.

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October 20, 2022

Why Should My Pharmacy Use Medicare Plan Comparison Software?

Choosing the right Medicare plan is more difficult than it should be. But your pharmacy can help. Learn how offering Medicare plan comparisons to your patients can be beneficial to them and to your pharmacy.

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October 7, 2022

How Can Different Medicare Plans Impact My Pharmacy’s DIR Fees?

Did you know that different Medicare plans can have different effects on your pharmacy’s DIR fees? Learn about these effects and how to help your patients choose the best plan.

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Amplicare is now part of EnlivenHealth®


FDSRX is now part of EnlivenHealth®