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Case Study:

Southland Pharmacy
Manchester, TN

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Solution: MyDataMart

A $70,000 revenue increase in less than three months sounds too good to be true for an independent pharmacy. But for Robbie Monahan, PharmD and the staff of Southland Pharmacy, it was as simple as reading a report.
As an American Pharmacies member, the team at Southland Pharmacy used analytics platform RxCompass — powered by EnlivenHealth's MyDataMart — to identify missing prescription refills then prioritize them by both profitability and lowest out-of-pocket cost to the patient. Calling patients about those missing refills not only increased their store profitability, but also brought many patients back into adherence.

By the Numbers


revenue increase in 12 weeks


fills added with 187 calls placed


average gross profit per call placed


  • Difficult to stay profitable in the face of declining reimbursements and a general economic downturn
  • Declining medication adherence across their patient community

Use Cases

  • Improve profitability and adherence by targeting patients with missing refills for follow-up

"Can you find anything else that you're doing in your pharmacy that will make you $22 a minute? I'm not going to hold my breath and wait."
  - Robbie Monahan, PharmD
Pharmacy Manager, Southland Pharmacy


  • $70k revenue increase in 12 weeks
  • 544 fills added with 187 calls placed
  • $30 average gross profit per call placed
  • $22 (1.5 fills) gained per minute worked

Improved Profitability, Medication Adherence, and Pharmacy Growth Starts Here

How much revenue are you leaving on the table with missed refills? The answer may surprise you. With MyDataMart from EnlivenHealth, you can dive into your pharmacy data to find the profit you're missing out on — and get it back.

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