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Case Study:


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Solution: MyDataMart

When GBANK Health, LLC first implemented MyDataMart in their group of eight independent pharmacies, they knew they wanted to focus on identifying and addressing the medications they sold at a loss to their pharmacies. It wasn't until they started using the platform that they realized how much of a problem they really had.
From losing $80 a month on a birth control prescription to nearly $600 a month on a cystic fibrosis treatment, GBANK Health's price losses were quickly adding up to thousands of dollars per month. But thanks to MyDataMart, they were able to quickly identify and address their price losses, negotiating with patients to switch between brand name medications and their generic versions. The result? Their patients still got the medications they needed, and GBANK stopped seeing red on their balance sheets.

By the Numbers


revenue gain in 1 month


monthly profit gain from missing refills

Numerous sold-at-a-loss prescriptions made profitable

by switching between brand name and generic versions


  • No efficient method to identify or resolve price losses; medications sold at a loss were costing the pharmacy thousands of dollars every month.
  • No simple way to check multiple stores' performance; individual reports for each store could take up to 15 minutes to create.

Use Cases

  • Improve financial outlook by identifying and resolving drugs sold at a loss.
  • Increase revenue and adherence by identifying prescriptions overdue for refills.

"I honestly had no idea that this type of information was available. Our pharmacies didn't have a quick or easy way to resolve any of our price losses, and [MyDataMart] has helped tremendously."
  - Amanda Mull, PharmD
Director of Pharmacy Operations, GBANK Health, LLC


  • $17k revenue gain in 1 month
  • $2.6k monthly profit gain from missing refills
  • Numerous sold-at-a-loss prescriptions made profitable by switching from brand name to generic or vice versa
  • Easier, instant insight into multiple store locations

Improved Profitability, Medication Adherence, and Pharmacy Growth Starts Here

Unlock the power of your pharmacy data with MyDataMart. Increase your pharmacy profits, improve adherence and PDC scores, and get a 360-degree view of your business in minutes. Are you ready to turn hindsight into insight?

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Amplicare is now part of EnlivenHealth®


FDSRX is now part of EnlivenHealth®